2018 marks the centenary of the Representation of the People Act 1918, which gave women (over 30) and all men the vote for the first time and we would like to celebrate this.
The Brighton Women’s Social & Political Union was one of the most active regional branches of the Pankhurst-led organisation, whose motto was ‘Deeds not Words’. Paid organisers lodged in suffragette-friendly boarding houses – such as Sea View at 14 Victoria Road – and recruited local women to the cause. Between 1907-1913 Brighton’s newspapers contain almost daily reports of suffragette antics. A key tactic was for women to disrupt political meetings held at the Dome or Pavilion by repeatedly calling out questions concerning the vote. (Credit: Brighton Museum)
To celebrate 100 years of The Vote, a local group has come together at The Barn at Westdene Green and designed a programme of activities for 2018 including Screening the Suffragette film and with opportunities to discuss and debate women’s equality (historical and current)
A group visit to International Women's Day events in the city Creation of a pool of local ‘suffragettes’ to form a disruptive mob at community events, outfitted and trained in facts and songs
An ‘Equali-tea’ (and cake) event on the day of The Big Lunch national event in June ‘Reimagining the Westdene WI’
Do drop us a line if you have ideas and want to join in! westdenegreen@gmail.com Friends of Westdene Green: ‘bringing people together’ westdenegreen.org.uk or find us on Facebook