A lovely celebration of the season, Apple Blossom Day in Stanmer Park on the 30th of April will have events at both the Fruit Factory and the Home Farm Orchard.
Beyond the beauty of the fruit tree blossom & buzzing pollinators, delicious food will be available alongside orchard-derived drinks and the music of local musicians - all in the fresh Spring air. The day will also be educational, with talks on the importance of pollination and biodiversity (by Penelope Kenny of Wild Bee and a variety of our permaculture teachers) - alongside fruit tree grafting demonstrations and kids’ workshops.
The event is organised by Brighton Permaculture. Bryn Thomas, Director of the Trust said:
“The splendour of apple blossom at Brighton Permaculture Trust’s Home Farm Orchard rivals the spectacle of Japanese cherry blossom. But the trees do not produce blossom to attract our attention; that is the job of the fruit. Blossom is designed to attract the attention of a myriad of pollinating insects, most importantly wild species of bee, without which we would not have fruit at all. Blossom time is the most important time for fruit growers. Will the weather be kind to the delicate flowers and their insect friends? Or might late frosts, strong winds or heavy rain damage the flowers? We hope people will join us for apple blossom day to celebrate the spectacle, find out about how apple trees are pollinated and learn what we can do to help our bees.
Join us under the blossom this Spring!”